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A CEO Resignation - How it effects a Common Employee ?

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Vishal Sikka, CEO of Infosys Ltd, has resigned to his role on Aug 18, 2017 out of surprise to everyone in corporate sector as well as to the whole country. Eventually creating a sudden drop of Infosys Ltd share price by 7%, his resignation has not only shattered investors confidence but also its employees.  

 I am clear in my decision. It is clear to me that despite our successes over the last three years, and the powerful seeds of innovation that we have sown, I cannot carry out my job as CEO and continue to create value, while also constantly defending against unrelenting, baseless/malicious and increasingly personal attacks - Vishal Sikka (in his personal Blog).

Above is an extract of his letter to his employees on his resignation where it is quite evident that, this resignation is solely due to pressures from Board/Founders of Infosys and CEO himself has confessed the fact that due to extreme pressures (created by personal attacks) he is not in a position to focus on his role and took decision to resign from his role. On one hand this should be appreciated, when one cannot focus on doing justice to his job, its better to pass on baton to  someone who can carry from thereon. 

Its not only about Vishal who has resigned, in the past , many other CEOs like Steve Jobs, Michael Dell etc., had resigned from their rolls and bounced back with much will power and their efforts got praised, these are motivational stories for many upcoming bright minds into Industry. But one thing we should not forget here is that Economic stability that these Guys are having before leaving their job, Vishal was having a hefty package of $11 million per annum for being CEO, like wise for other big shots who had kept their papers for sticking to their ground.  

But an ordinary Junior Developer or Even a project Manager can stick to his ground in corporate world , where daily you have to fight against all the odds not to win but just to survive ?

Answer is a simple No, yes junior and middle level employees in any organization cannot afford to take stand or stick to their ground. 

Most of Junior and Mid level managers are working for a salary that is just enough to pass on a month (In India junior employee average salary is less than 5LPA and A mid level guy with 8 years of experience might earn any where between 10 to 15 LPA) though numbers seems to be good, but post cutting of salary in hand will be 70% of actual CTC, where individual need to take care of his family needs and savings will be peanuts.

As well said, People do not leave the companies but their bosses. Same with Vishal Scenario as well, if you got a chance to go through his letter, one can sense passion towards the company where future expansions have been taken care of, but due to other instances from founders he is forced to put his paper. Same comes with Junior level employees as well, when they can handle the pressure they will leave too, if not today , its tomorrow.

Let us create a healthy working environment and make employee as a part of organization rather working for organization, which will not helps growth of Employee but also the organization as a whole. Loyal employees are more productive than any others!! 

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