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Amazing and Interesting Facts that you dont know !! I bet you don't know Fact no. 5

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Below are the amazing and interesting facts that you don't know. Checkout how many of these you already know

Fact 1. You would have noticed tough competition among top sunglasses brands like  Rayban , Versace , Oakley,  Tiffany &Co. Etc., But all these are flagship brands of a company called Luxotica. So, next time when you see price war, just remember it's just a marketing hype.

Interesting Facts
Source: Pixabay 

Fact 2. Male mosquitoes never bite, it's the female mosquitoes that bite .

Amazing Facts
Source : Pixabay
Fact 3. Everyone is aware of Google search engine , but that name came by a mistake as it founder registered it as Google instead Googol.
Interesting Facts
Source : PixaBay
Fact 4. In 1998, yahoo rejected to buy Google at $1 billion. Which turnout to be biggest mistake.

Interesting Facts
Source : Pixabay
Fact 5. Size of the eyes remain same from birth till death, whereas  other today parts grow.

Interesting Facts
Source: Pixabay
Fact 6. Some animal can see things in slow motion, that's the reason you can't sway flies easily.

Interesting Facts
Source : Pixabay
Fact 7. More the quantity of salt in your food, the more chances of drinking water.

Interesting Facts
Source : Pixabay
Fact 8. Sentinel Island in Andaman and Nicobar islands are banned by Indian government to preserve primitive tribes living there. Tribals live here are extremely dangerous towards outsiders. Respect their privacy !!
Amazing Facts
Source : Pixabay (Not a Sentinel Island, used for reference)

Fact 9. One plus mobiles are manufactured by Oppo.  Yes , OP is a sister concern to Oppo.
Amazing Facts
Source: Pixabay
Fact 10. Worlds toughest exam till date is Master Sommelier diploma exam, where you have to taste wine and say its year of manufacturing and type of ingredients used. Google to find out more about this exam, only few handful people has cleared this exam.

Amazing Facts
Source : Pixabay

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